Breakfast is available from 6:00am for registered attendees and partners.


Day:  Registration and check in

Golf:  Royal Hobart Golf Club

Join fellow delegates for a social hit of golf before the conference begins and compete for the glory of being crowned the Centrepoint Cup Champions of Hobart 2025.

Tee off: 11:30 am 
Green Fee : $120 per player
Cart Hire : $55 per cart 
Pull Cart: $5 per pull cart 
Premium club rental (limited availability): $75 per set
Basic club rental (limited availability): $40 per set

Club policy requires all players to be neatly dressed:
Neat trousers or shorts/skirts
Shirts with a collar or turtle neck
Short sport and ankle socks which are predominantly plain
Neat, clean trainers may be worn in place of golf shoes
Not Permitted
Metal spiked golf shoes
Blue denim, singlets and track suits

Evening:  Welcome Dinner - Taste of Tasmania

A casual get together of friends, old and new, to enjoy the best foods Tasmania has on offer.


Day:  Optional spouse/child day tour

Tour Port Arthur and enjoy lunch at the Lavendar Farm before exploring the Tasman Peninsula

Evening:  Offsite Dinner - A Devil of a time!

Enjoy the stunning view at Glen Albyn Estate over a pre-dinner drink before embarking on an entertaining dining experience.


Afternoon:  Optional Peer Sharing Zone - drinks and canapes

A great opportunity for you to catch up with other delegates and share ideas.

Evening:  Free / Corporate Partner Dinners


Afternoon:  Concluding address and group photo

Evening:  Gala Dinner - Roaring '20s / Gatsby

Try your luck on the tables or hit the dance floor and Charleston away as a big band plays.

Late Evening:  After Party

Take a stroll down to the Showroom to continue the fun.